Political Violence and Death Threats

Trump's Republican Party has embraced white supremacist hate groups that preach violence against LGBTQ people.

The 31 white supremacists planning to riot at an Idaho Pride event is part of a dangerous trend in GOP politics. White nationalist and far-right groups are increasingly active in a Republican Party that tolerates political violence and death threats.

Authorities arrest members of the White supremacist group Patriot Front near an Idaho Pride event on Saturday, June 11, 2022, after they were found packed into the back of a U-Haul truck with riot gear.

White supremacy's rigid views on gender and sexuality, CNN | 6/15/2022

By Brandon Tensley and Nicole Chavez

The recent arrests of 31 extremists accused of planning to riot near a Pride parade in Idaho might be perplexing to some, but White supremacy goes beyond just intolerance for racial groups. White supremacy has long been bound up with rigid views about gender, masculinity and sexuality.

Video: Right-Wing Extremist Violence Is 'Cultivated By Officeholders' Says Figliuzzi, MSNBC | 6/15/2022

Far-right extremists targeting the LGBTQ community following the arrest of 31 members of a white nationalist groups planning to riot at a Pride parade.


A Knife's Edge


The Big Rip-Off