
Complete and Total Immunity
Attack on Democracy Michael Bornstein Attack on Democracy Michael Bornstein

Complete and Total Immunity

Trump is on his usual delusions. In his mind, nothing can take him down—not even criminal trials or widely seen recordings circulated from the past couple of years—all under the mistake belief of “presidential immunity”.

During his second defamation trial Trump couldn’t help himself from his usual snide comments and claims of a “witch hunt”, which almost got himself kicked out of the trial. Mika Brzenzinski describes it perfectly, “Through this trial, you really are reminded what a vile, disgusting person Donald Trump is.” Trump and his lawyers, in defense of his 91 criminal charges, have also asserted—and Trump has posted this himself on Truth Social—that “a president of the United States must have fill immunity, without which it would be very impossible for him/her to properly function.”

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